Make Any Liquid Safer For Drinking When Medically Necessary

There is nothing as frustrating as trying to work with a friend or family member who has suffered from a stroke. This often presents the patient with difficult in swallowing, making regular hot and cold beverages dangerous to consume. Because the swallowing reflex may not be operating in a normal manner, liquids can travel down the airways towards the lungs instead of into the stomach from the throat.

Speech therapists and nutritional experts at the hospital regularly add thickening products to the diet of patients who suffer from this type of dysphagia. However, once patients go home, they must find a way to thicken a wide variety of foods without changing the taste. To achieve this, a product called “Thick-It” is frequently sent home with stroke patients. These dietary products help to assist the swallowing process and help patients regain a sense of normalcy during mealtime.

Therapists will recommend that family members go to the Internet to Visit and learn more. This website not only include detailed descriptions on how these products should be used, but also contains recipes geared to those with various levels of dysphagia. Making these thickeners additionally convenient is the fact that they are packaged to be used both inside one’s kitchen and when eating away from home. There is no mixing or cooking required, with each product available in several flavors and size packages.

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Patients and their families enjoy being able to obtain a product that is easily purchased in drugstores, online and directly from the Thick-It company over the phone. After working with the basic thickening agent, patients will want to try their already mixed drinks which can be served immediately from their containers. These beverages come in either a honey or nectar type consistency so patients can drink them with confidence.

When it is time to introduce more solid foods, the next step is to add purees into the diet. Thick-It Purees come in fifteen different flavors for variation during each meal. To work with the lifestyle of everyone needing these products, purees come in low-sodium, vegetarian and gluten-free formulations. The answer is to find out more at and call their 800 phone lines for further questions or to place an order.